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一、学校介绍 Introduction to Shandong University


Shandong University (SDU) is located in the birthplace of Confucian culture, known as the "hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the state of rites and ceremonies" in Shandong Province, has an inclusive and warm cultural environment. It is a time-honored, comprehensive university under the Ministry of Education, China. As one of the original institutions for modern higher education in China, SDU has received great respect worldwide. It is one of the institutions in China’s Double First-Class initiative (type A), China’s largest education development scheme to date aimed at increasing the global recognition of China’s university system.


Shandong University is one of the initiative universities of modern Chinese higher education. Its medical school, established in 1864, signified the beginning of modern Chinese higher education. Its main body, Shandong Imperial College (Shandong Da Xue Tang) established in 1901, was the second national university in China, only after the Imperial University of Peking. Moreover, it was the first university to be established and run in accordance with a chartered constitution. For more than 100 years, Shandong University has been following the mission of “Reserve talents for the world, and seek prosperity for the nation” and the motto of "Noble in spirit, endless in knowledge." For this aim, it has cultivated over 400,000 talented young people of various specialties, and has been making significant contributions for the country and the regional economic and social development.


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Shandong University comprises 8 campuses (Jinan Central Campus, Hongjialou Campus, Baotuquan Campus, Qianfoshan Campus, Software Park Campus, Xinglongshan Campus, Qingdao Campus and Weihai Campus) in three different cities (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai). The university currently has 4 affiliated hospitals, which provides first-class medical and health care services for the faculty and staff. With a system of affiliated primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, Shandong University provides the best quality elementary education for the children of its faculty and staff.

二、学院概况 Introduction to CSE

1、地理位置与历史沿革 Location and History


The School of Control Science and Engineering (CSE) of Shandong University is located on Qianfoshan campus in Jinan City. This campus is surrounded with many beautiful types of scenery like Qianfo Mountain to the south, Baotu Spring to the west, and Black Tiger Spring and Daming Lake to the north.


School of CSE is one of the initiative faculties of engineering at Shandong University. It can trace back to the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) of Shandong University of Technology, which was established in 1949. The Electrical Engineering Specialty of Shandong University, established in 1946, incorporated into EE in 1952. In 1989, EE had changed its name as Automation Engineering (AE). After the merger of Shandong University with Shandong Medical University and Shandong University of Technology, the department of AE had changed its name as School of Control Science and Engineering in July of 2000.


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2、团队队伍建设 Faculty and Staff


School of CSE has 156 faculty members, including 80 professors, 62 doctoral supervisors, an Innovative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China and an Innovation Team by the Ministry of Education. There are 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 7 "Changjiang Scholar" Distinguished Professor by the Ministry of Education, 5 winners of the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 3 Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Project selected member, 2 National Outstanding Teachers, 2 Shandong Taishan Scholar "Climbing" Program selected members, 7 Taishan Scholars Distinguished Professors, 23 winners of National Natural Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars of China, the Young "Changjiang Scholar" etc., 18 Young Taishan Scholar, 17 Qilu young scholars, 13 Council government special allowance recipients, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Shandong Province.



In recent years, the school has taken a series of measures to strengthen the construction of talent team: (1) Adhere to the concept of "academic first, scholars first" and "serving scholars wholeheartedly". (2) Form a "support" system and atmosphere, that is, the outstanding scholars carefully guide and support young scholars, and the school offers an all-round service and plays an important role in the construction of talent team. (3) Set up "Bole Award" to reward personnel who make outstanding contributions in the process of talent introduction. (4) Reform and establish a diversified evaluation system, keep the standards unchanged and export diversified. (5) Revise the promotion conditions and procedures, conduct multi-stage review in one defense, take morality as the first, pay attention to teaching, and set up landmark indicators to pursue excellence. (6) Strengthen publicity and attract talents globally. (7) Set up "national excellent young talents cultivation plan" to train and support young talents. (8) Set up a talent working committee to strengthen talentintroduction and cultivation.

The school has formed the atmosphere of "everyone respects talents, attracts talents and protects talents".

3、科研平台和团队建设 Research Platform and Discipline Setting


The School of CSE has been enrolled into the key construction projects such as the national "211" project, "985" project, as well as the "peak discipline plan" of Shandong University. It has a National Key Discipline of “Control Theory and Control Engineering”, 2 Provincial Key Disciplines of "Power Electronics and Power Transmission", "Detection Technology and Automation Devices", 4 doctoral programs in “Control Science and Engineering”, “Biomedical Engineering”, "Power Electronics and Power Transmission" and “Artificial Intelligence”.


The school owns the national-local joint engineering research center of "New Energy and Effective Conservation",2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, which are  "Machine lntelligence and System Control" and "Intelligent Robotics",2 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, which are "Power Electronic Energy Saving Technology and Equipment" and "Intelligent Unmanned System", few Shandong Provincial research platforms, such as "New Energy and Energy Storage Control Center", "Intelligent Sensor and Detection Technology Center", as well as "Special Environment Robots and Equipment Innovation Center ".

近年来,学院承担国家基金委创新群体项目、国家重点研发计划、973计划、863计划、科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目等100余项。近年来,科研经费连续快速增长,2019-2022年均立项/到位经费均过亿元。自2008年以来学院荣获国家科学技术奖励6(国家自然科学二等奖3项、国家科技进步一等奖1项、国家科技进步二等奖2项),另有省部级科技奖40余项。在国际顶级期IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control、Automatica等学术期刊上发表学术论文3000余篇,出版学术著作、教材40余部。

In recent years, the school has undertaken more than 100 key research projects, including the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Basic Research Program (973 Program), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), the National Key Technology R&D Program, and the Key Projects of NSFC. The school scientific research funding has been growing rapidly and continuously, the average project establishment/funding in place will exceed 100 million yuan(2019-2022). The school has won 6 national science and technology awards since 2008, including 3 Second Prize of National Natural Science Award, 1 First Prize and 2 Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. The school has also won more than 40 science and technology awards in provincial and ministerial-level. In addition, more than 3000 academic papers have been published including the ones published in the top journals such as IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica. There are also more than 40 books and textbooks have been published in recent years.



3 国家级重点学科和科研平台

4、国际交流 International Cooperation

公司非常重视国际化专业建设,每年邀请众多国外著名专家学者来院讲学交流。其中,国际著名控制论专家、澳大利亚科学院、工程院院士Brian D. O. Anderson教授受聘beat365手机官方网站名誉教授,国际著名控制论专家、美国国家工程院、欧洲科学院院士、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校工程学院经理Tamer Basar教授受聘beat365手机官方网站名誉教授,美国阿拉巴马大学J. E. Smith教授连续多年为自动化专业开设《过程控制系统》全英文课程,深受师生欢迎。学院还与英国邓迪大学签署“3+1+1”联合办学协议,在生物医学工程专业领域开展中外联合人才培养。另外,还有来自亚洲、非洲、港澳台等国家和地区的同学到学院攻读学士、硕士和博士学位。




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The schoolattaches great importance to internationalization and keeps on inviting well-known experts and scholars to give lectures every year. Many world-leading professors have joined in as the university honorary professors such as Prof. Brian D. O. Anderson (the fellow of Australian Academy of Science and the world-leading experts in the area of automatic control) and Prof. Tamer Basar (the fellow of National Academy of Engineering of America, the member of Academia Europaea and the former dean of the college of engineering in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Prof. J. E. Smith from the University of Alabama has been giving the popular lectures on “Process Control Systems” for the students in the school for many years.

三、招聘专业方向RECRUITMENT fields


Control Theory and Control Engineering


AI, Robotics and Intelligent Unmanned System


Energy System and Power Electronics


Biomedical Engineering / Intelligent Medical Engineering


Intelligent Communication and Networks


Intelligent Perception and Pattern Recognition


Other Related

四、招聘岗位及条件 Openings






1. Outstanding Young Experts

(1)National Youth Programs Talents and other outstanding young scholars

(2)Young Global Experts

①Scholars under the age of 40 majoring in Natural Science or Engineering Technology.

②Doctorate holders who have the experience of doing research work in overseas institutions for more than three consecutive years and who enjoy a full teaching or research position in well-known overseas universities, research institutions or the R&D department of renowned enterprises; Outstanding among peers in the same research field and having potentials for leadership in academic research or technological development. For extremely outstanding scholars who have obtained a doctorate overseas, the age limit could be relaxed.In other words, domestic doctors must have worked abroad in teaching and research positions for 3 years or more continuously, while overseas doctors who have worked abroad for less than 3 years may apply for exceptional introduction.

③Once recruited, should be able to work full time in Shandong University. For those who are already working in the mainland of China, the time of their returning to China should be within one year.

④Applicants qualified for the official interview of the national youth programs and other outstanding young scholars may be recommended for initial programs for young talents of Shandong University.






2.QILUYoung Scholars

(1) Doctorate holders under the age of 35 in Natural Science or Engineering Technology.

(2)For overseas applicants, the minimum requirement is assistant professorship in high level universities or corresponding positions in research institutions. Those who have the experience of long-term overseas academic training will also be considered.

(3) For domestic applicants, the minimum requirement is associate professorship in universities or research institutions.

(4) Applicants should have strong academic potentials and have already achieved iconic research results with important academic influence as well as at the forefront among peers in their research fields.




3. Tenure-track Faculty

(1) Tenure-track Professor: Scholars under the age of 40. For overseas applicants, the minimum requirement is assistant professorship or postdoctoral position in high level universities or corresponding positions in research institutions. For domestic applicants, the minimum requirement is professorship in universities or research institutions.

(2) Tenure-track Associate Professor: Scholars under the age of 35. Excellent postdoctoral or doctoral degree holder from a well-known university or research institution, or associate professors.






4. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

(1) Postdoctoral research fellows in SUD are divided into 3 types according to different funds: special funds, key funds and project funds.

(2) Applicants should be Ph.D. graduates under the age of 35 from prestigious domestic or overseas universities or research institutes within the past 3 years.

(3) A consecutive postdoctoral research period for no less than 21 months in SDU is required.




5. International Faculty & Faculty from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

(1) Under 50 years old in general. Abide by the constitution, laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China; respect the habits and customs of the nation.

(2) Applicants should hold a doctoral degree and related working experience. Assistant professors or professors of higher positions associated with prestigious universities and research institutes are preferred.

五、待遇及支持条件Remuneration and Support









1. Outstanding Young Experts

(1) Academic title: Professor and doctoral student supervisor.

(2) The annual salary is over 600,000 RMB.

(3) Funds for research development: about 2 to 3 million RMB, not including the funding from the national government.

(4) Housing benefits: 2.5 million RMB (including allowance from the national and provincial governments). The SDU Experts’ Apartments are available at preferential rent.

(5) SDU provides high-quality health care and on-campus schooling for children of the successful applicants.








2.QILUYoung Scholar

(1) Academic title: Professor and doctoral student supervisor.

(2) The annual salary is 300,000 RMB. To 400,000 RMB.

(3) Funds for research development: no less than 1 million RMB.

(4) Housing benefits: SDU will provide an allowance of 300,000 RMB. The SDU Experts’ apartments are available at preferential rent.

(5) SDU provides high-quality health care and on-campus schooling for children of the successful applicants.







3. Tenure-track Faculty

(1) Competitive salary and allowance depending on contribution.

(2) Research fund of RMB 60, 000 to 200,000; 200, 000 to 500,000 for those who are selected in the “SDU Young Scholars Program”.

(3) Housing allowance, high-quality health care and on-campus schooling for the children of successful applicants.







4. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

(1) The minimum fund for each postdoctoral research fellow of special funds is 300,000RMB/year, and 200,000RMB/year for each postdoctoral research fellow of key funds, 120,000RMB/year for each postdoctoral research fellow of project funds.

(2) Social insurance and housing accumulation funds in China by the same standard of counterpart teaching faculty are provided. Foreign postdoctoral research fellows are covered by commercial health insurance.

(3) Apartments for postdoctoral research fellows near the university are available for rent.

(4) High-quality heath care and on-campus schooling for children of the successful applicants working full-time at SDU.







5. International Faculty & Faculty from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

(1) Competitive annual salary. Paid winter and other legal holidays.

(2) Research funding: RMB60, 000 to 200,000 for scientific-researchers.

(3) Furnished accommodation for rent near the school.

(4) Comprehensive medical insurance or social insurance, high-quality health care.

五、应聘和联系方式contact us



联系电话:+86-53188392280(O); +86-18953135701(C)

微 信:smartbread5701



Applicants can submit their applications year-round. Application materials include a personal resume and a brief introduction to the applicant’s academic achievements, and please indicate the position applied for.

Contact person: Mr. Tang Qingxin

Office: + 86-531-88392280

Cell: +86-18953135701

WeChat: smartbread5701


You are most welcome to join us!

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